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Building Momentum for the Sustainable Cloud
By Jeff Wittich - Chief Product Officer
28 June 2023

This week has been full of industry momentum as we make the shift to the right architecture for the cloud – one that is both high performance and sustainable – and I couldn’t wait to share my thoughts.

First, Oracle Database now runs on Ampere! The importance of this cannot be overstated. This is the first porting of the database to a new hardware architecture in several decades and was the product of a lot of hard work from engineers at both Oracle and Ampere. Congratulations on the release of Oracle Database 19c!

"Oracle DB has long been considered to be one of the most significant enterprise applications, and it is now available on Ampere. This announcement is a major step for both companies and demonstrates Oracle’s belief in Ampere’s high performance, low-power compute for Cloud Native workloads,” said Hubert Nueckel, Senior Distinguished Platform Application Engineer at Ampere. “Oracle and Ampere engineered the hardware and software to work closely together to ensure the best functionality and performance, working together on optimizations like memory ordering enhancements and solutions to compiler gaps. Our collaboration is ongoing, and we look forward to continued work together to provide great cloud solutions for our customers."

This means that Oracle Database customers can now run on Ampere’s Cloud Native Processors in either in the cloud on OCI Ampere A1 or on-prem on the server of their choice. The same benefits that Oracle customers see when running their other workloads on Ampere processors: predictable performance, scalability, and efficiency – can now be realized in Oracle Database.

As you can see, the shift from legacy x86 architectures is accelerating. As all workloads move to the cloud, these workloads are moving to Ampere’s Cloud Native Processors.

We just concluded an exciting industry event today hosted by Ampere where the conversation focused on the architecture needed to deliver increasing compute performance and capacity in a world of finite power. We heard from both Larry Ellison and Clay Magouyrk of Oracle, Neil MacDonald of HPE, Mohamed Awad of Arm, and Yuval Bachar of EdgeCloudLink about the challenges they are facing in sustainable cloud scaling, why the time is now to make a shift, and why high performance and efficient processors, like those from Ampere, are critical. We also heard from Andrew Isaacs from the University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business speak about why real technology change is needed, not merely a repackaging of old ideas.

Lastly, this brings me to another great event I participated in this week: DCD Connect. Sebastian Moss of DCD hosted a thought-provoking debate about what is truly needed to reverse the current course in the industry and reduce our power consumption and carbon emissions. We heard a lot of great ideas about technology innovation, metrics for both charting progress and enabling better end user choices, and the need for holistic solutions.

The message across the industry is clear: power is a real constraint. It limits the sustainability of the cloud, and it limits the future compute capacity of the cloud. Real innovation is required today. At Ampere, we are solving this problem at the core. More output compute with less input power is the first step. Oracle has taken the lead in the cloud in tackling this problem across their entire infrastructure. HPE has been a vocal leader in this as well by offering Ampere-based ProLiant servers to the service provider and on-prem enterprise cloud market. It’s encouraging to see the rest of the industry recognize the magnitude of the problem and follow suit.

Start running Oracle Database 19c on Ampere Cloud Native Processors today – Ampere AI on OCI


Created At : June 28th 2023, 8:43:13 pm
Last Updated At : August 29th 2023, 1:07:37 pm
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