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Recommender Engine AI Inference on AmpereOne®

Maximize Performance and Reduce Energy Consumption in AI Deployments


This workload brief explores the performance of AmpereOne® Cloud-Native Processors in handling AI inference tasks, specifically deep learning recommendation model DLRM_trochbench. We provide insights into how AmpereOne compares to AMD EPYC 9754 (Bergamo) and 9654 (Genoa).

DLRM_torchbench is a benchmarking suite for evaluating the performance of deep learning recommendation models (DLRM) in PyTorch. It focuses on critical metrics like throughput, making it essential for testing hardware performance in AI-driven recommendation systems, which power services like streaming, e-commerce, and social media platforms.

Results and Key Findings

Figures 1 and 2 respectively illustrate the socket-level performance and efficiency of the AmpereOne A192-26X processor compared to AMD EPYC 9754 (Bergamo) and 9654 (Genoa) when running the DLRM (Deep Learning Recommendation Model). The charts highlight two key metrics: performance and performance per watt (normalized to AMD EPYC 9654 as the baseline).

Fig.1: DLRM_torchbench Socket-level Performance

Fig.1: Performance: AmpereOne A192-26X outperforms both AMD processors with a score of 1.15 relative to AMD EPYC 9654 (Genoa) baseline of 1.00.

Fig.2: Socket-level Efficiency

Fig.2: Performance/Watt: AmpereOne demonstrates superior energy efficiency compared to both AMD processors, achieving a performance per watt score of 1.73, compared to AMD EPYC 9654 (Genoa) score of 1.00.


This comparison underscores AmpereOne’s capability to deliver better AI inference performance while maintaining higher energy efficiency, making it a compelling choice in terms of raw performance, cost savings, and meeting ESG goals

About Ampere and AmpereOne

Ampere Computing focuses on delivering high-performance, power-efficient processors for Cloud-Native applications. The AmpereOne processor, with its innovative ARM architecture and up to 192 cores, is designed to meet the demands of modern AI workloads. The integration of Ampere Optimized AI Frameworks (AIO) and Ampere Model Library (AML) further enhances AmpereOne’s AI inference capabilities and facilitates easy transitioning from x86 legacy architecture.


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Ampere Computing® / 4655 Great America Parkway, Suite 601 / Santa Clara, CA 95054 /

Created At : September 17th 2024, 4:49:16 pm
Last Updated At : September 18th 2024, 8:36:40 pm
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