Under the California Consumer Protection Act (as amended, the “CCPA”)
Ampere Computing LLC and Ampere Computing Employer LLC (together with their affiliates, the “Company”) collects and uses your personal information as defined under the CCPA (including information that would be considered sensitive personal information if we used it to infer characteristics about a person) for human resources, employment, benefits administration, health and safety, to comply with applicable law and for the other business purposes listed below. We are committed to properly handling the personal information collected or processed in connection with your employment or applicant relationship with us.
Selling and Sharing: We will not sell the personal information we collect about our employees or applicants for employment or share it with third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising.
Privacy Policies: To view our full privacy policy, visit amperecomputing.com/home/privacy-policy.
Retention: We retain each category of personal information for the longer of the periods (i) required by applicable law; or (ii) reasonably necessary for the Company to (A) fulfill its obligations to employees and applicants; and (B) fulfill the purposes identified herein. In determining for how long to retain (and when to delete) specific items of this information, the Company will (i) apply the criteria in its Data Retention Policy; and (ii) assess at what point it is no longer reasonably possible that the Company will need the information for a use or purpose identified herein.
Personal Information Categories
We may collect the personal information categories listed below. The below also identifies, for each category, our collection and use purposes.
Identifiers, such as your full name, contact information, sex or gender, date of birth, signature, Social Security number, driver's license or state identification numbers, and similar information for your dependents and beneficiaries.
Sensitive Personal Information: “Sensitive personal information” is a subtype of personal information consisting of specific information categories set forth in the CCPA. While we collect certain information in these categories (as described above), the information is not categorized as “sensitive personal information” under the CCPA because we do not collect or use it to infer characteristics about a person.
Questions and Requests: If you have any questions about this Notice or need to access it in an alternative format, please contact privacy@amperecomputing.com. Please direct all requests relating to your personal information under the CCPA to privacy@amperecomputing.com or (888) 810-5329.