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People’s Republic of China


Informed Consent Form for Personal Information Processing (Candidate)

As a candidate seeking for job opportunity at Ampere Semiconductor Technology Limited ("Company"), hereby make it clear that I have fully understood and acknowledged that:

1. 本人知晓并同意公司为面试以及评估是否录用本人之目的,有权处理本人的以下个人信息:
I understand and acknowledge that when it is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the labor contract with me and for the implementation of human resources management, the company is entitled to process my personal information as below:

(1) 基本资料和身份信息,包括但不限于姓名、性别、民族、国籍、生日、身份证件号、手机号码、住址、电子邮件地址、家庭关系等;
Basic information and identity information, including but not limited to name, gender, ethnicity, nationality, birth date, ID number, phone number, residential address, email address, family relations, etc.;

(2) 教育及工作信息,包括但不限于学历、学位、工作单位、职位、社会职务、工作经历、教育经历、培训记录、成绩单等;
Education and work information, including but not limited to academic qualifications, degrees, former working place and positions, social titles, work experience, education background, training experience, transcripts, etc.;

(3) 其他与就职相关的个人信息,包括但不限于家庭成员基本信息和联系方式、征信记录、违法犯罪记录等;
Other personal information related to employment, including but not limited to the basic information and contact information of family members, credit records, records of illegal behaviors and crimes, etc.;

(4) 本人在公司文件、表单、求职简历、系统中主动填写、提交的个人信息;
Personal information that I fill out and submit in company documents, forms, resume and systems on my own.

2. 本人知晓并同意公司对本人信息的处理方式包括但不限于收集、存储、使用、加工、传输、提供、删除等。
I understand and knowledge that the company’s handling of my information includes but is not limited to collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, deletion, etc.

3. 本人知晓并同意公司可能因集团内部信息管理需要,可能会将本人的上述信息传输到中华人民共和国大陆地区以外的国家和/或地区进行处理,包括亚太地区、或者美国总部等相关地区,且公司将采取合理措施,以确保其符合在第三国/地区法律中关于处理个人信息的相关规定,并确保对本人的信息提供保护的标准(包括信息的保存及其安全性)与适用的法律法规所规定的标准相当。

I understand and acknowledge that the company may transfer the information mentioned before to countries and/or regions outside the mainland of the People’s Republic of China for processing, including the Asia-Pacific region, or US headquarters and other relevant regions in need of internal information management within the group, and the company will take reasonable measures to ensure that it complies with the relevant regulations on the handling of personal information in the laws of third countries/regions, and to ensure that the standard of the protection of personal information (including the storage and security of information) is corresponding to the standard set in applicable laws and regulations .

Created At : August 21st 2024, 9:52:11 pm
Last Updated At : August 29th 2024, 6:46:30 pm
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