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Arm Native Applications

Ampere Altra and Ampere Altra Max are the most scalable Android hosting platforms in the world.

The Arm architecture has dominated the mobile processing market with its unrivaled ability to maximize power-efficiency and has powered billions of Arm-based processors used in mobile phones, laptops, tablets, IoT devices and embedded systems throughout the world. Running applications originally built for mobile or IoT platforms in the cloud is now possible with Ampere Cloud Native processors. There are many of them - over 2.56 million applications available Google Play store alone!*

For cloud hosted Android applications, instance density is everything. Ampere is the first platform to support 120 or more 3D cloud gaming instances per server. Ampere processors natively support both 32 & 64 bit Android applications and require no binary translation for maximum instance density! Ampere Altra and Altra Max processors are extremely efficient in running 3D game titles such as Platformer 3D and Bombsquad leaving plenty of CPU headroom for value added services to complete any Cloud Gaming or Cloud Phone solution.

Key Benefits

Ampere processors deliver the most application instances per server in the world:

  • Highest density: Run up to 120+ 3D cloud game instances per socket
  • Predictable Performance: CPU utilizations often below 50% leaves plenty of growth headroom
  • Native Android support: Supports 32 & 64 bit applications

Results shown from Altra Max servers with 4x NVIDIA T4 GPUs running the NVIDIA cloud gaming SDK. Instances of 3D Android games are rendered and encoded at 1280x720@30. For additional information on the test conditions used click here
*Reference apps market report here

GPU Utilization (%) - AltraMax 1P

Software Partners

Ampere partners with the top Android emulation solution providers targeting both Cloud SaaS and on-premise deployment models. Our partners provide solutions for many use cases including cloud gaming, Android app developemt and cloud phones. Customers may also find resources from our partners to customize their Android emulation solutions based on SDKs from our partners.

Canonical Anbox Cloud logo

Canonical - Anbox Cloud

Anbox Cloud supports cloud phone and cloud gaming use cases, and can be deployed as a service or on bare-metal. It is container based and uses the popular Ubuntu Linux operating systems and Canonical services such as MaaS and Juju for deployment and orchestration. Anbox Cloud is a very scalable solution, providing deployment on a single nodes or in clusters.

OverviewFeaturesHow it works

Genymobile - Genymotion

Genymotion is designed to simulate full features of Android phones and other mobile devices. Genymotion SaaS can be found on Ampere Cloud partners. It is VM based with a rich Web UI and automation tools for mobile app development, validation and deployment.

OverviewFeaturesHow it works

NVIDIA - Android Cloud Gaming SDK

NVIDIA Android cloud gaming SDK has the most efficient rendering, encoding, and streaming pipeline targeting mobile gaming applications. The SDK uses containers and can be integrated with existing cloud infrastructure including Docker and Kubernetes.

OverviewFeaturesHow it works

Begoit - Android Cloud Gaming Solution

Based on Docker and Kubernetes, Begoit AIC solutions are very versatile on support of rendering and encoding devices, both of which could be passthrough into Android containers for guest direct rendering and encoding.

OverviewFeaturesHow it works

JianSuan RHOS Cloud Solution

RHOS multi-terminal collaborative cloud office is based on the heterogeneous framework of cloud services, connecting users' multiple intelligent devices and different terminal systems together, providing a full-scene experience of super cloud virtual terminal interconnection.

OverviewFeaturesHow it works

Arm Native Use Cases

Cloud phone or VMI (Virtual Mobile Infrastructure) is a diverse category including segments such as healthcare, government, and financial services. These industries often have data privacy concerns thus prompting them to build apps that keep information in secure cloud domains. Cloud phone usages also cater to a burgeoning tech savvy audience willing to experience live training, remote learning, tele-health, live streaming experiences and social media platforms. Many applications in this use case are not graphics intensive and can work very well without GPU assistance.

Benefits include:

  • Centralized management
  • Data and Application Security
  • Automation
  • Multi-Access

Recommended System

  • Single Socket Ampere Platform
    • CPU: Altra/AltraMax
    • DRAM: 384GB - 512GB
    • GPU: Optional depending on graphics requirements



External Links

Anbox Cloud Official Website

Genymobile Website

Genymotion Ampere Altra Demo

Android test Automation on Cloud Virtual Devices


Ampere Ready Software

Created At : December 7th 2023, 6:33:15 pm
Last Updated At : September 25th 2024, 6:48:03 pm
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Ampere Computing

4655 Great America Parkway

Suite 601 Santa Clara, CA 95054

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This site runs on Ampere Processors.