How Ampere's IP Innovations, Including a New Custom Mesh, are Advancing High Performance AI
by Team Ampere
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LLMs: Bigger is Not Always Better
Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing our interactions with technology. However, their size typically makes them resource-intensive, driving up costs and energy consumption.
by Tony Rigoni, Head of AI Biz Dev
Jenkins and Ampere® Processors: The Backbone of Modern CI/CD Pipelines
Jenkins CI packages running Ampere® Processors provide core functionality required for mixed architecture builds
by Pete Baker and Dave Neary
Meet the Ampere Power Team
We are thrilled to introduce three dedicated members of the Power Team who are propelling our mission with their expertise and passion. Meet Krish Sundaresan, Yogesh Bansal, and Sanjay Patel...
4 Key Trends Redefining the IT Landscape in 2025
As the IT landscape evolves, new trends are emerging that promise to reshape how businesses approach technology in 2025.
by Jeff Wittich
Adopting Ampere® at Scale – Evaluating Redis and Cassandra on OCI Ampere Compute
In our first blog from Uber and Ampere, we discussed our collaborative exploration and optimization of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure...
by Ampere and Uber
The Future of Energy-Efficient Streaming
The digital world is evolving rapidly, constantly adapting to new user behaviors. Streaming services have long established...
AmpereOne®: A Game-Changer for Efficient, Scalable Compute, and AI Workloads
Data centers and enterprises face critical challenges in today’s demanding tech landscape. Rising energy costs push companies to seek more power-efficient solutions...
Adopting Ampere at Scale – How Uber Transitioned to Arm-based compute in an x86 Fleet
In February 2023, Uber announced its intent to work with Google Cloud and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to migrate its applications to the cloud from on-premise data centers.
by Jesper Borlum, Naren Nayak
Revamp and Reclaim: Making Room for AI Compute
AI has become an integral part of daily life, whether through visible applications like mobile apps and digital commerce or behind-the-scenes processes...
Ampere Computing LLC
4655 Great America Parkway Suite 601
Santa Clara, CA 95054